Sunday, May 17, 2020

Should High-School Graduates Shouldn’t Take a Year Off...

Should High-school graduates shouldn’t take a year off before entering college. As you prepare for graduating high school, you previously determine whether you should enroll into college, or take a year off. In many opinions, there are many negative affects if you decide to take a year off of school, instead of attending after graduating high school. The traditional concept is to enroll into college after getting out of high school, for many reason’s it will be beneficial to succeeding in furthering your academic pursuits, rather than loosing time taking a year off instead of going into college. High school graduates that attend college the year after high school tends to have a well knowledgeable mind, and retain more from what they†¦show more content†¦Putting yourself into a position, not knowing your actions creates a higher span of hypocritical action. Statistics proven that 69% of high school students enroll in college after high school. They are more lik ely to finish college quicker, than taking a year off. It’s easier for these students to decide whether they want to pursue their dream or career field in order to graduate. Many people take their time, switching majors, so enrolling in college as soon as you graduate high school, will give you a wider range of choices in a fixed amount of time. The majority of students that enroll into college make the decisions that attending college is better after graduating; they can work in their career field at a younger age, and have a successful future. Most of the students enrolling in college obey their parents’ wishes; all parents want their kids to attend college to get a better education for themselves. Especially, in a society we live in, many jobs require some sort of college degree. Time is money, and the more time you waste, the more money you have to dish out to engage academic pursuit. In other cases, students that take a year off tend to be lazy to enroll into coll ege, and make it tough for them to getting a good job without the degree they need. It’s a higher rate of drop-outs, because they think it isn’t for them. Also takes longer period of time to get a degree, and graduate or transfer college.Show MoreRelatedAmerica s Need For Free Higher Education1178 Words   |  5 Pagestuition at state schools is 9,410 dollars per year so times that by four years it’s a grand total of 37,640 dollars. This isn’t including meal plans, books, and room and board. The United States of America should provide free higher education, college, to all U.S. citizens. The U.S. would benefit from all that this would bring. The expenses that this service would cost is worth the advantages that it provides. There are many people that will be positively affected by a free college education. 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